5 Ways To Embrace Change

5 Ways To Embrace Change

Patients people, patience! Who else cringes at that ‘p’ word—patience? It is definitely in the easier said than done pile. Unfortunately, it is so necessary, especially when it comes to making a change. Change is the only way we accomplish our happier, healthier goals.

So you want to be happier…. Healthier?

Change is most definitely needed as is patience. The best way I can help you to understand how important patience is to clue you in on these 5 ways to embrace the change necessary to reach your goals. These 5 ways tackle the good and bad of change.

I believe if you have all the information (good and bad), then it is easier to cope with the highs and lows of your happier, healthier journey. Remember it is a journey and it doesn’t always go the way you think it will… try different tips and tricks and embrace what works along the way. 

Kelly Drobek motivation

5 Ways To Embrace Change

Accept change is needed

You know that to be happier and healthier, something has to give. You have been in your own head for long enough that you are sure you are now ready. You are READY to take the steps to make the necessary changes to reach your health goals. You are choosing change.

Understand the gap

You know your current state of being isn’t working. You want your health to sore so you reflect on what is not working first. Change usually happens in the form of implementing healthier habits. Now you decide on what you want to change—choose a couple of new habits. This is where the gap from what you were doing to the happier, healthier you is being filled. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. It’s not good to change a lot because it is not sustainable.

Own Your Excuses

Make a list of excuses right away that you might use to not see this change happen—and not become happier and healthier. For example, if you want healthier habits to build a happier life some of your excuses might be there isn’t enough time, I am too tired, I forgot my gym clothes, I missed today so I’ll wait to start again until Monday or you slept in. Write them all out and then decide how you can counter everyone excuse. This exercise can be quite confronting if you are 100% honest.

No Nay-sayers allowed

You are making a change for the better of you. You want to live your happier, healthier you. Don’t let nay-sayers tear you down because of their own insecurities. When you do run into nay-sayers look at your excuses list because it should give you the motivation and accountability to keep going and push through. Look for support only from those you can truly count on.  

Do What Works For You

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for how to change. Some people can change a few different habits at once and others can only do one at a time. Change is inevitable—it’s life. However, when changing your habits, it can be tricky. If you are living in a state of unconscious decision making, your habits are probably far from where you prefer them to be. Give it time to first figure out what will work by trying different approaches/ habits and then give it time to have them set in where you don’t have to think about them and they turn into routines. Ahhh the patience.

Are keen for a change and ready to take action now but not quite sure where to start?

Don’t let your fear get in your way. Click below to sign up for a complimentary Strategy Session.

This session will take you through these tips to start and make sure you can set and achieve your happier, healthier goals. The outcome will be about you being on your way to knowing who you are, knowing what change you want and starting the change with the right motivation and accountability to kick any self-doubt to the curb.

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